District 32 currently faces many government and social challenges. Jason Shilling is up for the hard work to address them all.
Health Information Privacy

Transparent Government

Lobbyist Controlled Government

Vigorously fight against the radical left and maintains Oklahoma's traditional conservative values.
Reform Oklahoma's election laws, specifically those allowing no excuse mail-in balloting. These laws are vulnerable to ballot harvesting and MUST be changed.
Refuse all campaign funds and gifts from lobbyists and their employers. Lobbyist money compromises our elected Officials and explains why they constantly betray us.
Oppose allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses, a concept that MUST be stopped.
Oppose the numerous corporate welfare programs consistently supported by the current tenured incumbent. These programs benefit those who can afford lobbyists, lawyers, and accountants at the expense of the average person.
Defend the right to life and second amendment rights, maintain two gender policies, and prevent woke pornography from getting to our kids through our schools, and protect our girls and boys from the latest woke radical change.
Radicals on the State Supreme Court have “found” a right to abortion in our Constitution and have attempted to gut key election Integrity laws creating potential chaos in our elections. These lawless radicals must be impeached.
Oppose laws harmful to the economy, increase taxation, or otherwise damage the financial prosperity of our residents.